Many people have climbed Mount Everest, but Wim Hof is the only person who reached the top with a shirt and short. When I first heard about this, I couldn't believe this could be true.

However, after I heard Wim Hof's explanation, it started to make more and more sense.
Wim Hof is the master of conscious breath. By controlling his own breathing, he is able to control his body temperature. That's one of the secrets why he could withstand extremely cold weather with little or no clothes. He can actually raise his body temperature by his own will!

The wonder doesn't just stop there. Win Hof taught other people that everyone is capable of learning this under his guidance.
In one of his challenge, he was injected with endotoxin. He then demonstrated that through conscious actions, he was able to control his own immune system to control endotoxin. He then taught twelve other people to perform the same stunt just to show that everyone is capable of doing this, not because he has some special gene.

I myself practice meditation for more than a decade. I know how to use a conscious and controlled breath to change chemical reaction inside our body. It can change my emotional state, make myself less hunger, and make my immune system stronger.

I actually can feel that I raise my body temperature after I practice meditation.
So I believe what Wim Hof said about the benefits of controlled breath and started to practice his breathing right away.
Check out his simple breath lesson on Youtube and let me know what you think!